Lee Je-Hoon and How He Chameleons in the Korean Drama “Taxi Driver”

SBS’s drama series Taxi Driver starring Lee Je-Hoon is certainly big in its hometown of South Korea. The recent survey done by Nielsen Korea on the two part 7th episode rendered a nationwide average rating of 12.9% (4th) and 15.1% (2nd) respectively. As a viewer of the drama, it is not a wonder why this story caught so much viewership. It not only shows the social ills of South Korea as reflected in the lives of the abused and exploited but also it created this dark hero that extracts vengeance on behalf of those who suffered injustice. 


What made this narrative more interesting is how the drama’s lead transforms into different personalities to act out the plan of putting the abusers to justice. It goes without saying that Lee Je-Hoon is giving us a very versatile performance every episode.


Here’s how he chameleons into his role in the drama:



The unsuspecting jeotgal buyer


In the drama’s first two episodes, Le Je-Hoon pretends to be a jeotgal buyer to infiltrate Kang Maria’s (1st client) abusive employer. How he manipulated the Park Joo-Chan’s business to rip off the latter was satisfying. This was made all the more fun when he finally revealed who he was and beat to a pulp the men responsible for Mari’s plight using the same way they had abused Maria. 


The hero transforms into the unsuspecting jeotgal buyer | Kdrama Taxi Driver
The hero transforms into the unsuspecting jeotgal buyer | Kdrama Taxi Driver


From a seemingly typical jeotgal buyer to the badass avenger, Lee Je-Hoon’s transformation was so good. How he showed the stark difference of the two roles truly is laudable. 


Lee Je-Hoon punishing the abusive jeotgal factory owmer. From the unsuspecting buyer to a badass avenger real quick | Kdrama Taxi Driver
Lee Je-Hoon punishing the abusive jeotgal factory owner – from the unsuspecting buyer to a badass avenger real quick | Kdrama Taxi Driver (Photo from Hancinema)



The awkward Math teacher


To avenge a highschool student from his bullies, Lee Je-Hoon transforms into the handsome but awkward Math teacher. Here, he used the bullies’ own medicine in performing the revenge acts. How he pretended to be powerless against the bullies at the beginning of his act was fun to watch knowing that his dark justice is on the way. Blindsiding the bullies in every step of the way doing exactly the things they did to Park Jung-Min made me screamed ‘YES’!


Lee Je-Hoon as the seemingly awkward and naive Math teacher | Kdrama Taxi Driver
Lee Je-Hoon as the seemingly awkward and naive Math teacher | Kdrama Taxi Driver (Photos from Hancinema)
Lee Je-Hoon as the Math teacher pretending to cry as he was 'falsely accused' of molesting a student | Kdrama Taxi Driver
Lee Je-Hoon as the Math teacher pretending to cry as he was ‘falsely accused’ of molesting a student | Kdrama Taxi Driver (Photo from Hancinema)
The awkward teacher transforms into a fighter as he beats the goons hired by the bullies of Park Jung-Min | Kdrama Taxi Driver
The awkward teacher transforms into a fighter as he beats the goons hired by the bullies of Park Jung-Min | Kdrama Taxi Driver (Photo from Hancinema)



A genius software engineer


In the plan to put to justice the man behind U data, Je-Hoon becomes a genius software engineer. His pretense of wanting to be the best employee at U data and sucking up to the boss was pretty impressive. At this point, Lee Je-Hoon has proven that he can go from overly naive and innocent to really dark and badass. 


These transformations I believe are strong contributing factors why a lot of viewers are hooked in this drama. Le Je-Hoon outdone himself in every episode. Each role performance is better than the previous. He’s in some way similar to Vincenzo who acts as the weapon in toppling down the giant abusers of society but without the suits, the mafia background, and the dark agenda underneath. 


Lee Je-Hoon transforms into the genius software engineer | Kdrama Taxi Driver
Lee Je-Hoon transforms into the genius software engineer | Kdrama Taxi Driver (Photo from Hancinema)
Lee Je-hoon gaining the trust of the boss thus penetrating the Strategic Planning office | Kdrama Taxi Driver
Lee Je-hoon gaining the trust of the boss thus penetrating the Strategic Planning office | Kdrama Taxi Driver (Photo from Hancinema)

With Le Je-Hoon’s performance every episode and the storyline of the drama, this show will surely remain as a top tier of the presently airing roster of Korean dramas. The revenge schemes get more intricate every airing. I am curious as to how Le Je-Hoon’s character, together with that of the crew of the Rainbow Taxi, get redemption from their own tragedies. From what we have seen, they are hell-bent on avenging other people but their back stories and their tragedies are still waiting to be redeemed.   


So, there you go. These are the different ways Lee Je-Hoon chameleons into different roles in the drama. Are you also as impressed as I was in the drama? Is Lee Je-Hoon laudable to you? Do you like the moral compass the drama is using? Share your thoughts and let’s talk…


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