HanaDulSes is a blog created by two enthusiasts of the Korean Popular Culture – cousins Von and Mara. We chose the name “HanaDulSes” or “hana, dul, ses” – the Korean translations for “one, two, three” because this blog centers in three things: Korean Skincare, Korean Popular Music and Korean Drama.
1. Korean Skincare
Ever since the Hallyu Wave, Korean cosmetics has penetrated the Philippine and international markets. The hype on Korean skincare has made a lot of Filipinos and even international citizens look for products made and from South Korea. So to speak, we are willing victims of this skincare hype. We are very grateful that we have found Korean skincare. While we don’t claim to be skincare experts, but our skincare journey has been very rewarding. We want to share how our personal journey and our knowledge with Korean skincare changed our skin for the better which in turn can help you with yours. K-skin, as a section of this blog, will try to aid your skin needs through contents that will guide you in choosing the best Korean skincare products in the market through our reviews and other skincare inputs. K-skin will be your bestfriend in allowing your skin achieve its perfect glow with the Korean skincare regimen. #KoreanSkincare #TakeCareWithSkincare #SkincareIsSelfCare
2. Korean Pop Music
“I’ll be there, behind you who walks alone
Singing till the end, this song will be endless
Listen carefully just for a second
I will sing for you who walks long nights than most”– Love Poem (IU)
K-Pop as a music genre is a melting pot of different influences. The music is a cultural blend that employs various aesthetics since the 1950’s. It offers a wide array of artistry from boy groups, girl groups, and solo artists. Our love for K-Pop has given birth to this blog’s section. This will be an avenue for you to get-to-know different K-Pop artists that we personally love and love by many. This section will surely be your companion when you feel down, alone, or tired from the struggles of the day. We will make K-pop your non-judgmental friend who cries with you, laughs with you, dances with you, and fangirls with you! #KpopStan #KpopLove #Kpoper
3. Korean Drama
Korean drama has turned into a phenomenon nowadays and it is well-deserved. Yes, people rave on K-drama because of how visually pleasing their artists are. But not only that. Korean drama offers narratives and thematic elements that are non-existent in our telenovelas.
There’s no denying that the people behind this blog are also avid fans of stories offered by K-dramas. Although physically far from one another, we always find ourselves talking about our recent watch, our personal ratings on a certain K-drama, how we loved the plot twists, how we felt the butterflies in our stomach, how much we bawled on our favorite scenes and how we adored how the artists perfectly portrayed their characters. Korean Drama is just a work of art, no wonder a lot of us are hooked!
So, in this blog, we are going to write about our personal thoughts, reviews and reactions on the dramas that we have watched, and yes, we will also do our best to curate a list of drama recommendations for you from time to time! #KoreanDrama #Fighting
With the Korean wave being at the peak of cultural blending, HanaDulSes aims to provide a rookie guide to people who love similar Korean contents as we do.

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