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HanaDulSes is a blog created by cousins Von and Mara who share the same enthusiasm to the Korean Popular Culture. This blog centers in three things: Korean Skincare, Korean Popular Music and Korean Drama. Thus, the name: hana, dul, ses!
With the Korean wave being at the peak of cultural blending, we aim to provide a rookie guide to people who love similar Korean contents as we do.

Reader Favorites
Gang Seo-hae and Han Tae-sul’s quest to reset time has finally come to an end. The 16 episode drama culminated in a circular fashion, tying the plot pieces in a unified whole. Albeit, this show did not receive as much traction in South Korea as manifested in its ratings which ended with an average nationwide rating of 4.363% as recorded by Nielsen Korea, I actually enjoyed the narrative and how it employed the principles of time as one of its thematic pursuits...
K-drama Review: “Sisyphus: The Myth”
Gang Seo-hae and Han Tae-sul’s quest to reset time has finally come to an end. The 16 episode drama culminated in a circular fashion, tying the plot pieces in a unified whole. Albeit, this show did not receive as much traction in South Korea as manifested in its ratings which ended with an average nationwide rating of 4.363% as recorded by Nielsen Korea, I actually enjoyed the narrative and how it employed the principles of time as one of its thematic pursuits...
All of us want to stay young or perhaps age gracefully; that if the fountain of youth exists, we all would die for a sip. But, guess what? a breakthrough in skincare cosmetics provided a solution- sunscreens that is!
To have the extensive influence of Korean Skincare system reached our country is a blessing for every Filipino who wanted to achieve a clear and healthy “Korean glowing” skin – myself included. Growing up, I have always had that sensitive, oily and acne-prone skin...
Why Korean Skincare Did Not Work for Me – Things I Did Wrong
To have the extensive influence of Korean Skincare system reached our country is a blessing for every Filipino who wanted to achieve a clear and healthy “Korean glowing” skin – myself included. Growing up, I have always had that sensitive, oily and acne-prone skin...
JTBC’s Law School has finally closed its last case with the finale showing the main culprit of the story’s major plot being indicted and imprisoned, affirming the impartial powers of the law and the distributive, procedural, retributive, and restorative scales of justice. Delving into the legal system and court proceedings in South Korea, this drama was able to show that injustices existing in third world countries also happen in a country deemed to be rich and powerful albeit in different dynamics.
K-Drama Review: ‘Law School’ and how it wasn’t How To Get Away With Murder Level
JTBC’s Law School has finally closed its last case with the finale showing the main culprit of the story’s major plot being indicted and imprisoned, affirming the impartial powers of the law and the distributive, procedural, retributive, and restorative scales of justice. Delving into the legal system and court proceedings in South Korea, this drama was able to show that injustices existing in third world countries also happen in a country deemed to be rich and powerful albeit in different dynamics.
As someone who has been a fan of How To Get Away with Murder and Viola Davis’ tour de force performance, I was extremely hyped that Korean Drama is doing something similar using a law school and aspiring law students as a backdrop of a narrative that navigates the intricacies of law and the collusions the characters will make to hide and fight for truth and uphold the scales of justice.
K-drama First Impressions: Law School
As someone who has been a fan of How To Get Away with Murder and Viola Davis’ tour de force performance, I was extremely hyped that Korean Drama is doing something similar using a law school and aspiring law students as a backdrop of a narrative that navigates the intricacies of law and the collusions the characters will make to hide and fight for truth and uphold the scales of justice.
I thought I had it all figured out. I was certain to some degree as to how this drama will play out with the remaining episodes it still has to air. But just when I thought the narrative would show Jung Bareum triumph over the supposed control of Sung Yohan’s frontal lobe with the latter’s consciousness, episode 15 thwarted all that with some shocking revelations; and just like that, I was betrayed. I felt so cheated.
K-Drama “Mouse” and How it Betrayed Me
I thought I had it all figured out. I was certain to some degree as to how this drama will play out with the remaining episodes it still has to air. But just when I thought the narrative would show Jung Bareum triumph over the supposed control of Sung Yohan’s frontal lobe with the latter’s consciousness, episode 15 thwarted all that with some shocking revelations; and just like that, I was betrayed. I felt so cheated.
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